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We were personal co-organizers of the First Python Day Uruguay

Mon, Aug 22, 2011

On August 20th 2011 we've celebrated the first Python Day Uruguay. The audience reached more than 200 Pythonistas coming mainly from Uruguay and Argentina. That's an amazing number counting on a population of about 3 million people in Uruguay.

The event shipped a total of 18 talks organized into 30 minute presentations and mid-sized lighting talks. The level of the talks was astonishing, flying though Python basics and introductory talks, Scrapy, NTLK, CDPedia, Unicode, Bio-informatics, Reportlab,  Python on schools, video games, Pythomnic3k, web2py, Django and DBus between others. Full schedule here.

We were very proud of being personal co-organizers of the event, and making Tryolabs a sponsor of the event also.

Full event web here.

More pics herehere and here.

Now, lots of work to come to make real the first PyCon Uruguay.

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