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Raul's new Machine Learning book!

Tue, Nov 26, 2013

Federico Pascual
Federico Pascual

We are proud to announce that Raul Garreta (Co-Founder & CTO of Tryolabs) and Guillermo Moncecchi have published a new book called "Learning scikit-learn: Machine Learning in Python".

Raul has been involved with academia for years, teaching Machine Learning and Natural Language Processing at the Computer Science Institute of Universidad de la República in Uruguay since 2007. As CTO and Product Manager at Tryolabs, he has been applying Machine Learning techniques for the industry since 2009.

Guillermo Moncecchi is a Natural Language Processing researcher at the Universidad de la República of Uruguay. He received a PhD in Natural Language Processing from the Universidad de la República, Uruguay and a Ph.D in Language Sciences from the Université Paris Ouest, France.

The book covers the benefits of Machine Learning techniques by applying them to real-world problems using Python and the open source Scikit-learn library.

What you can expect to learn from this book?

The book starts with a brief introduction to the core concepts of Machine Learning with a simple example. Then, it describes how to use Machine Learning algorithms like Support Vector Machines, Naive Bayes, Decision Trees and Clustering to resolve different real-world applications.

Finally you will learn to evaluate your results and apply advanced techniques for preprocessing data and adjusting your models. The book shows and explains source code which can also download here.

Who this book is written for?

If you are a programmer who wants to explore Machine Learning and data-based methods to build intelligent applications and enhance your programming skills, this the book for you. No previous experience with Machine Learning algorithms is required.

Sounds great! Where I can check for more information?

You can check out more info and order the book here.

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