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Introducing TLAnimatedSegue, an Open Source iOS storyboard segue

Wed, Feb 11, 2015

Bruno Berisso
Bruno Berisso

We are glad to announce another contribution from Tryolabs to the open source community. This time is a cool iOS component that will make native iOS developer's life easy.

Meet TLAnimatedSegue, a component that allows you to write nice animations while leverage the plumbing out of the way.

For our development project in native iOS applications we have used it in scenarios where we have complex navigation paths without any native transition animation. With TLAnimatedSegue you setup a segue on the storyboard and implement the transition between the controllers.

tlanimatedsegue example

TLAnimatedSegue is public at this git repository now, so it's yours! You can also install it with Cocoapods or try it right from the command line with:

Check our repo and the example project for more info.

Hope all you mobile developers out there find it useful! Fork it, play around with it and, as usual, give us your opinion and feedback.

Happy coding!

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