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Tryolabs is Sponsoring MLconf in San Francisco!

Thu, Apr 7, 2016

Martín Fagioli
Martín Fagioli
MLconf 2016 sponsors

Great news over here, we're honored to confirm that we will be sponsoring the MLconf in San Francisco this year!

This event, hosted since 2012, brings together some of the top minds related to Natural Language Processing, Deep Learning, Game Theory, Large-Scale Clustering and many other Machine Learning related fields.

By November the 11th, large companies, startups and academics will be gathering together, at the heart of San Francisco, to share views about a common issue: large and noisy data sets. As a matter of fact, leading companies like Google, Facebook, Quora, Netflix, Microsoft and Slack, as well as renowned academics, present their ultimate field related research & results. At the moment, for this event, Josh Wills (Slack's Head of Data Engineering) & Scott Clark (Sigopt's CEO) are confirmed speakers.

For us, this is a very exciting opportunity to keep enhancing our Machine Learning capabilities, meet very interesting people and discuss about ultimate trends.

MLconf is hosted in NYC, Seattle, Atlanta, London and San Francisco. Visit the MLconf website to learn more about it.

Special thanks to Courtney Burton, who has been very kind and supportive with us since the very beginning.

Update: find here the complete list of - amazing - speakers :)

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