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Key service providers monitoring system

Over 600 entities monitored in real time, with over 100 alerts and 10.000 news articles processed daily, delivered in easy to digest emails.

Market Cap
2.09 billion USD (2018)

News & articles automatically summarized and analyzed

Allianz Global Investors (AGI) is global investment management firm with offices in over 20 locations worldwide, employing nearly 3,000 people.
With approximately 2,268 billion euros assets under management, AGI is one of the largest asset managers in the world, managing assets with active investment strategies.

10,000+ articles
categorized daily


An in-house, on-premises solution for data collection and analysis was necessary, as well as an alert system designed to lighten the load of daily repetitive tasks of risk analysts.



We developed a data gathering and processing solution that keeps the quality of information while reducing the daily workload for risk analysts.

With a strong attitude towards customer satisfaction, Tryolabs was committed to working closely with us in providing valuable insights and advice to bridge the gap between business, process and technology, so as to achieve our goal.
Vanissa Ng
Vanissa Ng
Head Of Risk Management Asia Pacific at Allianz Global Investors

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