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PyCon Uruguay 2012

Tue, Nov 27, 2012

Raul Garreta
Raul Garreta

Last November 10th and 11st we enjoyed the first Python Conference in Uruguay. The event was developed by the Python community in Uruguay as a result of the great success of the PyDay that took place in August 2011.

In the event participated several speakers from Uruguay, Argentina, Brasil and Denmark with talks ranging from Biopython,  Machine Learning to Web applications with Django framework and Tastypie.

Raul (Tryolabs, Uruguay) speaking about Machine Learning.

Erico Andrei (Plone Foundation, Brazil) speaking about open source and Python community in Brazil.

Andrea Gavana (Maersk Oil, Denmark) speaking about Python applications in the oil industry.

Francisco Silvera (Devsar, Argentina) speaking about Django, Backbone.js and Tastypie.

The PyCon consisted in a series of 14 talks, lightning talks and round tables, exposed on November 10th and sprints and hands-on that took place on November 11th. Students, engineers and entrepreneurs enjoyed great talks and had the chance to exchange experiences in a networking environment.

Pythonists at the beautiful Latu auditorium.

As the Uruguayan country itself, the Python community is a small but a very valuable and enthusiastic one, with many new developers adopting Python as its main programming language, and new startup companies using Python for developing its technologies.

Tryolabs had the honor as in the previous PyDay, to be part of the organization and be one of the proud gold sponsors of the event. Always looking at Pythonist promises and rockstars to incorporate in its growing team!

PyCon Uy organization team! Martin and Raul in the field!

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