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Magazine: A collection of our Machine Learning articles - Get a copy!

Thu, May 18, 2017

Martín Fagioli
Martín Fagioli

Hello everybody, exciting news here: we released our first Machine Learning magazine.

We all know it. Machine Learning is undoubtedly one of the most relevant fields in Computer Science and beyond. One can easily state, looking at some data, that this field is now the talk of the town and that we are all somehow touched by it.

Although we are all increasingly learning about how Machine Learning -- subfield of AI -- is changing our day to day, sometimes we might lack some knowledge on how Machine Learning actually works.

Due to this, at Tryolabs we started brainstorming new ways of sharing our expertise and experiences on the field with the local & international community and... BOOM! We decided to dive into the publishing world: design and print original magazines.

MagazineThe printed edition.

A Collection of our Machine Learning Articles is the name of our first publication and is exactly what the title suggests: a collection of articles, some of them originally blog posts with great traction, that we have been writing at Tryolabs during our history and that are related to Machine Learning.

The magazine provides definition of key concepts, latest trends, experiments and learnings we accumulated during our +7 years of experience working in the field. We believe that it is a great lecture for anyone with a Computer Science background and no practical experience with Machine Learning; it's an ideal collection for Computer Science / Engineering students.

Since we released the magazine, ~1 month ago, the reception was just amazing. In fact, as we are running out of copies, we are printing a second batch of 500 more. We are all super happy and excited to see this happening :)

How do I get a copy?

There are two alternatives:

  1. You want the physical edition: if you are located in Uruguay, you can send us an email to with your intention of getting a copy and we'll arrange the date/time, for you to pick it up from our office. Yes, it's free :)

  2. You want the digital edition: fill out this form and get it sent to your inbox.

Other options:

  • Find it at Facultad de Ingeniería (UdelaR), ORT Uruguay, Universidad de Montevideo and CUTI offices.
  • Attend to our hosted events. Follow us on Meetup, Twitter and Facebook to keep up to date with the new events.

At last, we'd like to thank all the team members who contributed and made this collection of articles possible. Special mention to the authors of the articles, the content editors, the designer (the one and only Guille Umpierrez) and everyone who provided great ideas & feedback.

The whole process was very different to what we usually do -- we're used to building apps and algorithms, not printed materials -- but it was great fun. Hopefully you'll enjoy the reading as much as we enjoyed building it, and what is more important, you'll find it useful!

Until the next one :wink:

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