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Announcing our new website & blog

Mon, Aug 29, 2016

Martín Fagioli
Martín Fagioli

As Tryolabs keeps moving forward, new great clients and a continuously growing team, we decided it was time to bring a new version of our website to life. Check it out!

Although we loved the older one (here is why, we made the decision to switch to a new design that can reflect what we currently are, scale with the company's evolution and bring major importance to the blog (our major traffic source).

Another chapter, parallel to business needs, was that we wanted to switch to a different tech stack that let us build a completely static web & blog, effectively moving away from Django, Wordpress and freeing us from managing servers. We will soon follow up on this with another blog post, but as a teaser: Hugo (static web builder), Webpack (module bundler) and S3 + CloudFront (hosting).

Update: the first post with the technical specifications of our new website is now live!

Tryolabs new website HomeTryolabs new website Home.


We were born as a hi-tech boutique shop to build Machine Learning powered apps. Now we evolved into a hi-tech dev shop specialized in AI technologies (Machine Learning, Deep Learning, NLP), providers of a full-stack development solution and with an outstanding mobile team. Yes, something changed.

In order to better reflect our current situation we needed to rethink the site map & content of the web. Similar to write the lyrics & music of a song, where one complements the other, we wrote several iterations of them with one main goal that lead our way: are we completely responding to questions Tryolabs' stakeholders might have? Said in other words, can we address a website link to each question they might have?

As a result of this process, we ended with a new structure of the site which includes new components such as Team, Careers and Our Work that enhance the navigation experience. We can say that we have polished and grown content, and now made it intuitively accessible.

Tryolabs new Menu.

Added to this, graphic design & photograph are a much better representation of us than ever before. The very modern design, crafted by our friend Pablo Picart, reflects our current mood while respecting the traditional color palette and aesthetic. The photographs, shot by the truly talented Marcos Mezzottoni, provide a perspective of ourselves, how we work, the office and environment. And... hey! Do not miss the bios & pictures of each of us, you'll love them.

Diego bioDiego's bio. Cool, huh?


"CMS are good, a static page is better". The Tryogang is developer oriented, nothing better for them that be able to pull the repo, write some Markdown, see the changes locally, commit and deploy; that's it. This is exactly what we ended up with and I have to admit it... it's just awesome!

From a more personal perspective, as a marketer, usage metrics from Mixpanel & Segment (see post on this topic) rule my days and this new website is incredibly fast to easily make changes of content & structure. I totally recommend it.

At last, a major feature of the site is that it's able to automatically adjust it's design to upcoming content such as new blog posts, technologies, case studies and team members. Seems obvious but with CMS' pages, this is not always as easy as it sounds.

Technologies, something we are constantly evolving.Technologies, something we are constantly evolving.


The biggest living organism of the page is the blog. Most of our traffic is derived from it (roughly an 80%) and we update it on a regular basis with new (cool) posts. With this in mind, we wanted to build an independent structure, which could be able to stand by itself while respecting the website's personality.

To build the blog we called the great Emiliano Gonzalez, which was able to build a functional and attractive design. The goal was to bring accessibility, a minimalistic color pattern and filtering features that provide a better experience to the reader. We can state it was perfectly achieved.

Our blogOur blog!

Final thoughts

We are very proud of our website. We believe it's a very good result of the work we've done in the past months and really reflects the current status of what we are at Tryolabs. Obviously, there are yet aspects to keep improving but we are surely in a good place to start.

Big shout-out to the people who helped us bring the website to life:

We would definitely love to hear your thoughts in the comments below (thank you, Disqus!). And if you'd like to, you can subscribe to our newsletter to receive updates on new posts & random situations that only happen at Tryolabs.

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